About Us
DRS Co - Drainage Repair Specialists Company deal with problem drains and chutes. We are normally called in to carry out a specialist repair service to either refuse chutes or waste stack pipes that need to be de-scaled. However we bring to any drainage or chute problem an experience gained over thirty years and passed on by regular internal training. Our backup for litigation or arbitration cases is well thought of.
We realised many years ago that, what was required was a specialist service to compliment the general skills that are already available to Local Authorities and property owners. So therefore in general whilst the normal services are still available to anybody requiring them, we are geared to serve more as specialists for the problem job.
We have developed methods that are totally unique to DRS Co that save our clients time and valuable financial resources. With chutes, why replace a refuse chute when DRS Co have developed a method to repair damaged chute linings in-situ? Or why leave tenants to suffer smell and back surge problems when you could use DRSco's Backcuttting system that cuts the scale out and opens the waste pipe to serve for another 20 years. Backcutting is essential as part of regeneration programs for Local Authorities or the solving of a persistent back-surge or smell problem.
We offer a skilled service to ensure that there is another way to solve that problem quickly, and efficiently and most importantly at a reasonable cost.